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This document is intended to provide a non technical overview of tension fabric structures. Many of the points made also apply to roofs using other materials. Obviously none of the technical details are specific to any particular project, but can be taken as a general guide to most projects. We are always willing to answer specific questions on any matter concerning the design, manufacture or installation of special structures. We also show how the use of 3 dimensional forms can allow the realisation of structures that were considered impossible to build only a few years ago.

A none technical guide to special structures pdf

A version of a PDF file containing a 3D model. Can only be viewed using Acrobat 8 or higher.

Megadome 3D model pdf (requires Adobe Reader Xl)

Below find a Powerpoint file showing a comparison of how and why our structures are different and we believe, better than comparable structures from other designers.

Why Our Structures Work.pps - Why Our Structures Work PDF
A powerpoint presentation for the P Span Arena permanent structure.

P Span Presentation - P Span Arena Presentation PDF